Low Gap | Jan 26, 2025 | Ukiah, CA
47 mi. / 6150 ft. ft.
Low Gap is on Sunday, January 26th, 2025. Low Gap is a mixed-terrain race that has become a “Hopper Classic.” Half pavement and half dirt, this event is the epitome of NorCal adventure riding and the perfect early-season challenge to kick off your year and test your limits. Staging begins at 8:30 am. Start time is 9 am.
The Course
Beginning with a neutral leadout at Todd Grove Park, the event starts after we hit Orr Springs Road. This quiet Mendocino County road climbs 1,800 ft over the first 9 miles before dropping into the Orr Springs area and then rolling along Montgomery Woods State Reserve. From here, there is a climb to the Comptche/Orr Springs Road and Low Gap Road. From mile 20-22 you’ll gain 600ft before making the turn off of pavement and onto dirt on Low Gap Road. You’ll continue on dirt for the next 10 miles, beginning at mile 22, and will climb 1,100ft to the intersection with Miller Ridge. From mile 31.3 to 44, we have a contract with MRC (Mendocino Redwood Company) to use their land, and you will be riding on private property that is not open for individual pre-riding. From here, you’ll finish out the ride with a ripping 13-mile gravel and paved descent to the finish.
All Hopper routes are open and riders must obey all traffic laws and rules.
Join Low Gap for an epic mixed-terrain adventure that has become a “Hopper Classic.”